Using the daily data from the years 2001-2006 a linear regression was run to calculate values for the toy:
MERT value = 48.62 + (0.6211*OIL) + (1.8306*INTGAP)
MERT = The predicted value of the Canadian dollar (CAD/USD) OIL = WTI Cushing Spot price in dollars INTGAP = Target for the Overnight Rate (Canada) - Target for the Federal Funds Rate (U.S.). A 1.25% target for the overnight rate enters the equation as 1.25.
Really quite a lovely "toy" which does a pretty good job in estimating the CAD/USD exchange rate (see the above link for some graphs of its predictive capabilities). I especially like the use of WTI as a predictive term. Now WTI is strongly correlated with the inverse of the US dollar. I believe the power of the "toy" in predicting CAD/USD stems from this strong correlation.
So I was wondering about my earlier use of CAD/EUR to gauge Canadian dollar strength independent of the US dollar and thought to examine that technique in light of this new "toy". Specifically, how does CAD/EUR compare to both WTI and the inverse of the US dollar (or the US Dollar Index).
WTI appears in the top panel as OHLC bars along with the inverse of the US Dollar Index as a blue line. CAD/EUR appears in the second panel as a green line along with CAD/USD as a red line. My apologies for the busy chart.
Note: WTI is plotted on a log scale, while the inverse of USD is on a linear scale!
It's immediately apparent that log WTI and the inverse of the US Dollar Index are strongly correlated (I looked at straight WTI versus inverse US Dollar Index, and the log appears to be a much better fit).
What I find very interesting is that when Inverse US Dollar Index diverges from WTI, CAD/EUR follows the US dollar (the dollar index itself, not the inverse). When the US dollar weakens faster than WTI falls, CAD/EUR falls (yellow periods), and when US dollar rises faster than WTI falls, CAD/EUR rises (tan periods).
If you examine CAD/USD (red line), whatever influence CAD/EUR has on the Canadian dollar appears to be dwarfed by whatever the US dollar is doing. Post 2003, CAD/USD and CAD/EUR appear correlated, but previous to this date, changes in CAD/EUR appear to have only a small correlation to CAD/USD.
Finally, it's important to note that this approach ignores other macroeconomic variables which could influence exchange rates. In particular, Mike Moffat's "toy" model includes the interest rate gap between Canada and the US.
Update: After further thought, I'm not sure that the above figure speaks one way or another on WTI's independent influence on CAD/USD. Now it is true that CAD/EUR tends to follow USD more than WTI (yellow and tan regions). But, this is probably happening because USD is moving more than WTI in each of those bands.
I think there are better approaches, but I'll post more when I get a chance.
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